Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pandan Kaya layer cake

My favourite Pandan Kaya Layer Cake.

Two weeks ago, I learnt this cake from my mum-in-law. I love pandan flavour and the jelly mixture as well. For a small piece of this cake costs RM1.60 in bakery. So, for mummies, here's the recipe to share with you.

Sponge mix cake:
250g sponge mix
6 eggs
40g pandan juice
40g corn oil

Top jelly: (Mix and boil then pour in 9' square tin.)
Pandan juice 250g
instant jelly 10g
sugar 40g

Kaya jelly: (1. Mix all and filter before cook.)
(2. Cook the mixture until it is thicken like Kaya.)
Santan 430g
pandan juice 660g
eggs 2 nos
sugar 200g
instant jelly 30g
salt 1/4 tsp
agar-agar powder 1 1/2 tsp
tepung hijau (绿豆粉)50g

I wish you have a wonderful caking~! Happy Caking!


Unknown said...

how to make pandan juice? blend the leaf with water?

btw, what the different between instant jelly and agar-agar powder?

Teresa said...


Pandan juice
= pandan + plenty of water (blend)

Instant jelly will set faster than the agar agar powder. It has the tendency that agar agar powder can't make it.